Sunday 28 October 2007

Labours's flawed devolution is to blame

for English disquiet - say Tories, but they still won't grasp the nettle instead there is to be an English Grand Committee.;jsessionid=ZMF3D2FSBVZMRQFIQMFCFFOAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2007/10/28/nscotland228.xml

Why not exclude Scottish MPs altogether - and have an English parliament?


Alex Salmond's game plan

To play the English question for all it is worth - to the SNP.

Another article from the Observer.,,2200679,00.html

Warms your heart to see we English are so useful to ambitious Scottish politicians, of all parties.


The Tories have a plan for the English question

but it isn't an English parliament, just English only votes on English matters rehashed.

The piece is in The Guardian here:,,2200694,00.html

I don't know why the Tories can't just come out and say they will give England's people what they need to have real democracy in this country again - an English parliament. I'm sure this would be a vote winner (in England).


Advice for the English from Alex Salmond

who tells us to stop complaining and make our public services better - like in Scotland. The article is here:

Well maybe we can, Alex, when we get control of England's services back from the Scots who currently dominate our government.


Wednesday 17 October 2007

Gordon ignores the people

He said he would listen to the people, but he won't - he'll sell us out to the corrupt EU dictatorship this week.

No change there then.
